File Under Foliage


File Under Foliage is the eclectic indie pop passion project of Nashville-based songwriter and self-proclaimed 'melody gardener' QC Green. Driven by a deep love for melodicism and non-diatonic harmony, FUF crafts music that blends catchy yet sophisticated melodies with compelling chord changes, unobtrusive digital production, and clever, somewhat oblique lyrics ranging from evocative personal stories to abstract impressionism. Drawing inspiration mainly from 20th-century pop/rock sensibilities and often influenced by alternative, progressive, psychedelic, post-punk, and electronic styles, QC Green’s music offers a quirky yet accessible sound, rooted in a healthy understanding of music theory and always aiming to provide an engaging listening experience that's as distinctive as it is memorable.

Visit the garden to explore the world of File Under Foliage today!


File Under Foliage: a collection of demos that represent the definitive FUF sound as of late 2023

Common Garden Demos: newest works-in progress, utilizing a vocal synthesis program to aid presentation

Building Blocks: an assortment of miscellaneous, underdeveloped song ideas from 2020-2023

Or listen on Spotify

Press and Publicity

"One-person pop project File Under Foliage is the work of Nashville-based QC Green, who certainly knows how to craft infectious pop gems. The descending melody of album opener “I Burnt All My Letters” has a sharp hook that pulls you into File Under Foliage’s world of bright synths and upbeat electronic percussion. The They Might Be Giants–esque “Change My Shirt” pairs clever lyrics with an elastic bassline and shuffling drum machines. The syncopated “My Name” veers pretty close to ska territory, practically begging for a Jeff-Rosenstock-style reworking more strictly adherent to that style. When lo-fi pop is done well (and let’s be clear, it’s done very well here) it’s a unique listening experience; the feeling of just hanging out, listening to someone create goofy songs with whatever equipment is available. It’s a great feeling, and one that File Under Foliage consistently delivers."
― Robert Newsome, Bandcamp Navigator, October 2023

File Under Foliage contributed a song to A Very Cherry Christmas - Volume 16, a winter holiday music compilation by Cherryade Records.

The music of File Under Foliage has been featured multiple times on Banks Radio Australia ― thanks Isaac!


For collaboration, press, or general inquiries, email:

File Under Foliage is seeking collaborators, particularly instrumentalists (guitar, bass guitar, drums, and beyond) and producers (with a good ear for mixing, arrangement, and sound design) who enjoy the songwriting style and creative ethos of FUF and want to find success together by helping turn ideas into professional, polished productions.

Visit QC Green's home page for more projects.

QC Green